
Fall Scene at the Bellagio Conservatory

October is the delicious tension between opposites. Cool mornings followed by warm afternoons. The tingling on the surface of your skin from the crisp air contrasted with the glowing warmth of a sun patch. The sweetness of apple cider counteracted by the tartness of pomegranate seeds. The warm oranges and reds of Fall leaves standing out against the cool blue of the sky, a visual fire and water. The feeling of being fully awake in spite of the shift in seasons toward dormancy. A tinge of melancholy intermingled with all five senses feasting on the vibrancy of Fall.

October is also a time of mystery, of that which we thought was permanent suddenly shifting to ethereal. Each day is a subtle transition, a slipping between worlds that catches each sense at its fullest. Dusk seems to melt into pitch dark in minutes, we feel a need to draw closer figuratively to the fire, and for an evening our imaginations are set free on All Hallows Eve. The snick of the match closely followed by the sweet yet earthy scent of pumpkin when lighting my jack-o’-lantern is one of my favorite moments of Fall.

There is a theory that your favorite season is the one you are born into. I was born in October, and I feel most alive in Fall. It is a time to set your spirit free, let your imagination run wild, embrace each present moment.