





Celery likes to establish deep roots. Perhaps this explains why not many people here in this transitory city grow it: everyone is from somewhere else on their way to somewhere else. This vegetable enjoys plentiful water and loves the cold (a lot like me). Since celery likes almost swamp-like conditions, I have planted it in window box containers so that these can be filled with water without drowning the other vegetables and herbs. The boxes are adjacent to the raised planter and are shaded all day by the tangelo and pine trees. So far it seems happy with this arrangement.

When planting celery, build up soil around the base of the stems and leave enough room for the root ball to grow. Celery root is packed with nutrients and is delicious grated in a salad. When harvesting celery, harvest the plants whole. I was not sure how celery would do here, but the stalks have grown from what look like just branches to recognizable celery stalks. I love celery and plan to plant more next season.

Characteristics: Low maintenance; Best planted separately to accommodate their water needs
Water: They love lots of water
Sun: They prefer cold and shade
Companions: Beans; Cabbage; Leek; Onion; Spinach; Tomato; Snapdragons
Enemies: Corn; Irish potato